Flexibility & Innovation

Every company wants to be flexible and take advantage of every opportunity available to it. However this is a balancing act as highlighted by the Harvard Business Review article detailing the challenges the New York Times had creating a Digital division. This within one of the oldest professions of all, the print business which had mature processes and a recognised culture.

This case study highlights the need to create environments and teams within them that will allow innovation to flourish.We have all read of the issues the Public Sector has had over the years, new ideas in an environment that is highly administrative and rightly risk averse in areas such as Health and Welfare. This has led these bodies to create separate Innovation Centres such as the MoD’s Centre for Defence Enterprise which acts as a bridge between the innovators and the establishment.

When you are looking to create something new it may be worth asking the question, does it have the best chance of survival in your current environment ?

I have experience of working in businesses that have taken strategic steps away from theor core. If you are considering it and would like to discuss options and to avoid potential pitfalls please contact me.